martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

Unidad 1 - Grammar - Object Pronouns

Grettings and welcome to lesson 12 (Object pronouns).  En la parte de abajo encontrarás la clase de inglés en audio y pueden descargar a sus reproductores haciendo click derecho sobre download y hacen click en guardar vínculo como.
En esta lección hablaremos de los object pronouns y para esto es importamte que entiendan bien los subject / subjective pronouns (LECCIÓN 2)

Object Pronouns:

Definition:: It is a pronoun that is used as an object in the sentence.
Remember: A subjective or subject pronoun does the action and goes BEFORE the verb while object pronouns go AFTER the verb.
SINGULAR: —> Me (first person) You (2nd) Her / him / it (third person)
PLURAL —> Us (1st) You (2nd) Them (3rd)
Figura 1
Subjective propouns vs object pronouns
** No confundir con los possessive adjectives : my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their (VER LECCION 5 AQUI)
Figura # 2
object pronouns
* Como vemos los object pronouns reciben la action del verbo y pueden ser direct or indirect objects. EN español esto se entiende como me, le, se, nos, os etc.. En ingles siempre que hay un object pronoun hay que colocarlo en la oración (al igual que con el subject pronoun).
Otros Ejemplos:
Imaginense que ven unos zapatos y dicen “Me gustan”. Esto en ingles no es I like o peor Me like. Primero que I like esta incompleto puesto que no se dice elo objeto. Me like es una patada a mi higado puesto que los object pronouns nunca hacen la acción. Lo corrcto es. I like them. (them por que se refiere a zapatos)
- La oracion: Quiero darle un beso. —–> I want to give her a kiss. (suponiendo que el objeto es una mujer)
Le quiero mucho. —–>> Quien quiere (subject) a quien quiere (object)
I love him/her. (Como vemos no hay tácito y se debe poner el “I” y tambien el objecto (en este caso indirecto) him her o tambien it deacuerdo al contexto.

Let’s Practice

Circle the correct pronouns
1) We/Us usually see they/them.
2) I/Me write to she/her everyday.
3) He/Him loves her/she very much but she/her doesn’t love he/him.
4) Please don’t wait for she/her.
5) Do you like he/him?

Esta es una pequeña tarea para que sepas como sirve de ejemplo los Object Pronouns
exercises object pronouns

Homework / Tarea

ejercicios object pronoun

Completar el ejercicio en el siguiente link, respondiendo a que persona se refiere lo que esta subrayado en la pregunta de arriba


Unidad 1 - Comunicative Skills - Order food in a fast food restaurant

Esta parte debe hacerse integramente en la pagina porque posee un ejercicio para completarlo uno mismo luego de aprenderse la conversacion entre un mozo y un cliente.
Primero se ve el menu.
Luego se ve la conversacion entre ambos
Luego se completa la conversacion

Link del ejercicio:

Unidad 1 - Communicative Skills - Shop for food

Types of shops in English

Tipos de lugares para comprar en Ingles 

department store
 – a shop that sells many different items in different departments. Harrods is probably the world's best known department store.
supermarket – a large shop that sells mostly food and household items.
grocer (UK) / grocery store (US) – a shop that sells food.
greengrocer – sells fresh fruit and vegetables.
butcher - sells fresh meat.
baker – sells fresh bread and cakes.
fishmonger – sells fresh fish.
chemist (UK) / drugstore (US) – sells medicines and toiletries.
pharmacy (US) – sells medicines.
newsagent - sells newspapers and magazines.
stationer – sells paper goods.
optician – sells glasses / contact lenses.
DIY store – sells things for home improvement.
hardware shop / hardware store / ironmonger – hard goods, such as nails and screws.
corner shop (UK) – a shop on the corner of your street, selling a range of basic goods – food, newspapers, sweets, bread, etc.
delicatessen (deli) – sells specialist food not normally found in supermarkets. For example, an Italian deli, an Asian deli.
bookshop bookstore – books.
market – market traders (people who work on a market) have stalls that sell fruit and vegetables, clothes, household items and so on.
petshop - for pets and pet food.
flea market – a group of stalls selling old furniture or clothes.
tea shop (UK) – like a cafe, but sells tea and cakes.
petrol station (UK) / gas station (US) sells petrol, car products and sometimes food.

Using 's

When we talk about shops, we often put an 's on the end. For example, "I'm going to the chemist's / greengrocer's / butcher's / baker's / newsagent's / fishmonger's/ optician's."
We don't use an 's with these shops: supermarket, hardware store, petrol station, department store.

Asking for things
Preguntar por cosas

"Do you have any…?"
"I'm looking for…"
"I wonder if you could help me…?"

What the shopkeeper says
Lo que responde el dueño del negocio

"I'm sorry, we're out of stock."
"I'm sorry, that's the last one."
"I'm sorry, that's all we have left."

What a sales person says
Lo que dice un vendedor

"Can I help you?"
"Are you looking for anything in particular?"

Your reply
Vos respondes

"I'm just looking, thank you."
"I'm just browsing, thank you."

Asking about things
Preguntando acerca de cosas

"Do you have this in another size?"
"Do you have this in another colour?"
"Is this made of leather / silk / plastic…?"
"Does this come with a guarantee?"
"Is this fully refundable?"
"Can I bring this back if it's not the right size?"
"Can I bring this back if it doesn't fit?"

Paying – what the shopkeeper says

Pagando - Lo que el dueño del local dice

"Do you have anything smaller?" (If you pay with a large denomination note.)

Paying – what you say

Pagando - Lo que vos decis

"I'm sorry, I don't have any small change."
"I don't have anything smaller."
"Would you have change for this?"
"Can I have the receipt, please?'
"Can I pay by credit card?"
"Can I pay in cash?"
"Is this on sale?"

---------------------- otro texto complementario en ingles

Lesson Plan: At the Grocery Store

Unless you eat out in restaurants every day of the week, you will find yourself at a grocery store at some time to load up on goodies. As most people know, large supermarkets sell more than just food. They can sell everything from aspirin to zippers. There are several vocabulary terms that are commonly used with food and food containers. Look at these examples.

   cans- of tuna, peaches                      packages- of sausage, gravy mix
    bottles- of milk, soda                        box- of cereal, cake mix
    jars- of jelly, olives                             cartons- of milk, eggs
    bags- of chips, cookies                     tubes- of toothpaste   
    tubs- of butter

   pound- of hamburger, potatoes               bunchof grapes, bananas
   head- of lettuce, cabbage                        gallon- (quart/pint/liter) of milk         
   loaf of- bread        

   Sections in a grocery store  

   check out line                                    
    produce- vegetables, fruit
    bakery- bread, pastry, rolls,
    canned goods- beans, tomato sauce, tuna fish
    dairymilk, cheese, yogurt
    meat/fish/poultrysteaks, salmon, chicken           
    frozen foods-  ice cream, pizza, TV dinners
    health and beauty aidesshampoo, toothpaste, lip stick
    dry goodstoilet paper, paper napkins, laundry soap       

English Dialogue

Students should work together in pairs and read the following dialogue, one student reading one part, the other student reading the other. Note the expressions used in the dialogue and the progression of the conversation. The dialogue can be used as a model to have similar conversations.

Husband: Do you have the shopping list?
Wife: Me? I thought you brought it?
Husband: No. I thought you did. Oh, well, we'll have to rely on our memories.
Wife: We need some refried beans for tostados. I think it's on aisle 3.
Husband: Here it is. Oh look, do you want to get some jalapeño's?
Wife: Are you nuts? Those things will set my mouth on fire. Let's go to the produce section, we need fruit for the
          kids’ lunches.
Husband: How about these apples?
Wife: I don't think they want apples. Last time we bought them they were mealy, and they refused to eat them.
         These grapes look good. How many should I get?
Husband: Get two bunches, no three. I'll eat some for a snack.
Wife: OK, on to the meat section. You wanted some hamburger, right?
Husband: Yes, get about three pounds. Be sure it's lean. Do we still have plenty of bacon and sausage for
Wife: Yes, but that reminds me, we have no eggs. We should get 2 cartons.
Husband: What size carton- a dozen, a dozen and a half, or two dozen?
Wife: The two dozen carton. We need milk, right?
Husband: Yes, on to the dairy section. Here's the milk. What kind should we get- whole,  2%, or skim? And how
Wife: Get 2%, the kids won't drink skim milk. Get a gallon jug.
Husband: Do we need any cheese?
Wife: Yes, we'll need some for the pizza on Tuesday. Get two large packages. Do we have everything?
Husband: We had better get Kool-Aid; if we don't the kids will have a fit.  
Wife: You’re right. I think Kool-Aid is on aisle 7. What flavor- cherry, orange, or grape?
Husband: Get all three. I need some shaving cream and razor blades. Which way to the health and beauty
Wife: It's to the right, three aisles down. We also need deodorant.

Husband: Right, spray or roll on?
Wife: Roll on.
Husband: I just thought of something else. We need some bread and pastry.
Wife: The bakery is that way. How many loaves should we get?
Husband: One loaf of whole wheat and one loaf of sour dough. And a dozen croissants.
Wife: That's everything. Let's go to the checkout.
Husband: Oops. I only have five dollars. Did you bring your checkbook?
Wife: No, but there's an ATM near the front door. You go get the cash and I'll get in line at the check out counter.   

After reading, close your book and tell your partner a summary of the dialogue. Then switch and have your partner tell his or her summary. Start like this: This dialogue is about a husband and wife at a grocery store. They bought ...This may seem silly, since you both already know what the dialogue is about, but the purpose is to practice using your English, not to give information or test your reading skills.

Conversation Activities

1. Pair work- discussion
     Do you go to the grocery store often? Tell your partner about it usingsome of the ideas for discussion below.
     Your partner should ask questions to get more information.
  • when do you go
  • where do you go- a supermarket or local mom and pop store
  • what kind of food do you usually buy
  • how often do you go

2. Pair work- role play
     The situation: At a grocery store
      Working with a partner, role play the situation, using the information below
    The roles: A husband and wife or two roommates

     laundry soap                    corn chips                  eggs
         can of tomatoes              salt                            pepper
         oranges                           face soap                   bacon
        onion                               garlic                         bell pepper
        cereal                              rice                            chicken
        12 pack of beer                 milk                           salsap; salsa
        bread                               tissue                         cooking oil
        flour                                brown sugar                honey
        grape jelly                        toilet paper                 Q-tips
        basil leaves                       water melon                 can of pork and beans
        blue berry yogurt              kitchen cleanser          canned apricots


Unidad 1 - Comunicative Skills - Numbers

Números en Inglés

Cuando de aprender ingles se trata, generalmente no se tiene en cuenta que en casi cualquier comunicación interpersonal los números son de vital importancia, al usarlos para expresar teléfonos, medidas, cantidades y direcciones, etc. Es por ello que en la enseñanza del idioma inglés, los números pertenecen al grupo de temas importantes.
Cuando haces un curso de ingles, el aprendizaje de los números en inglés particularmente, para los que hablamos en español, es realmente facil, pues una vez conocidas un par de reglas veremos que los números en inglés se forman uniendo varias palabras inglesas muy fáciles de aprender.

Tanto en ingles como en español, tenemos dos tipos de números: los ordinales y los cardinales:

Los números cardinales (o simplemente cardinales), cardinals number en inglés, son números que nos dicen cuántos hay de algo, respondiendo a la pregunta "¿Cuántos?". Ejemplo, uno, dos, tres (one, two, three).
Los Números en ingles ordinales, (ordinal numbers), son los números que denotan la posición de un elemento, respondiendo a la pregunta "¿En que posición u órden?". Ejemplo, primero, segundo, tercero (first, second, third)
Aquí encontrarás varias herramientas y secciones que te ayudarán a aprender los numeros en inglés. Tenemos una sección especial para enseñar los Numeros en ingles del 1 al 100, otra para aprender losNúmeros en ingles ordinales, otra con ejercicios de numeros en ingles y mucho mas.

Visitar los links de las palbras en color bordo para aprender mas sobre numeros. 

Unidad 1 - Alimentos - Vocabulary -

drive-in restaurantrestaurante sin salir del coche
fast-food restaurantrestaurante de comida rápida
self-service restaurantrestaurante de autoservicio
barbar, cantina, taberna
pubpub, bar
takeaway (GB)comida para llevar, restaurante que la vende
takeout (US)comida para llevar
hot mealcomida caliente
full mealcomida completa, de tres platos
square mealcomida completa, de tres platos
combocombinación de comidas
snacktentempié, bocadillo
starter / entreeentrada, primer plato
main courseplato principal
bill (GB)cuenta
bottle openerdestapador
bread plateplato de pan
check (US)cuenta
dressingaliño/condimento (de ensalada)
glassvaso, copa
menucarta, menú
fixed-price menumenú de precio fijo
on the rockscon hielo
soft drinkrefresco
tankardjarra de cerveza
tip includedservicio incluído
rarepoco cocido (carne)
mediummedio cocido (carne)
well donebien cocido (carne)
to ask for the billpedir la cuenta
to book a tablereservar una mesa
to foot the billpagar la cuenta
to orderpedir
to recommendrecomendar
Enjoy your meal!¡Buen provecho!
No smokingProhibido fumar
No pets allowedNo se permite el ingreso de animales